The Apple Watch X is reportedly in development as a completely redesigned version of the company’s popular smartwatch. The Cupertino-based company previously launched an improved version of its smartphone, the iPhone X, on its 10th anniversary, and the Apple Watch could get the same treatment as soon as next year. The so-called Apple Watch X will reportedly change the way users wear their smartwatches, swapping out the existing locking mechanism for a strap with a magnetic attachment system.
The new smart watch has Dubbing Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman covers the Apple Watch X in his latest Power On newsletter. Gurman’s sources say the company’s next-generation smartwatch will feature a slimmer chassis, and Apple is now considering a magnetic mechanism to hold the band in place. A report earlier this year claimed that Apple would launch a premium smartwatch of the same name along with watchOS 10 in 2023.
Until now, Apple Watch bands have used a push-to-release locking mechanism, providing cross-generational compatibility. Replacing the existing strap locking mechanism would likely mean the existing strap would no longer fit on the upcoming model, but the space freed up by the redesign could make room for additional internals or a larger battery to extend the battery life.
Gurman previously reported that Apple has been working on adding support for MicroLED technology to its smartwatches for months, but the company has yet to launch such a device. Gurman said the Apple Watch X could be the company’s first smartwatch to feature these advanced screens. Another feature currently rumored to be in development — blood pressure monitoring — could appear in Apple’s next smartwatch.
Consumers shouldn’t expect the so-called Apple Watch X to launch anytime soon — the company is expected to launch the Apple Watch Series 9 alongside the iPhone 15 series of smartphones. While the phone will bring some notable hardware upgrades, the smartwatch is expected to offer new chips and color options.
Meanwhile, Gurman said the Apple Watch X could be released in 2024 or 2025. That’s because the Apple Watch was launched in 2014 and went on sale in 2015, so the smartwatch’s release could coincide with what the company believes is the 10th anniversary of the Apple Watch. The company hasn’t released any details about what it plans to release other than at the actual launch event, so fans will have to wait until at least next year for the Apple Watch X to debut.