CEO Rebecca Parekh’s wellness habits

In our CEO Wellness series, we ask executives about their daily habits to gain insight into the strategies they use to reduce stress and stay healthy.

Rebecca Parekh is well. Prior to founding THE WELL, Parekh served as Chief Operating Officer of Deepak Chopra Radical Well-Being and a Director of Deutsche Bank Securities, where he held various positions including Head of Cross-Product Sales and Head of US Private Institutional Clients Group. She is also a certified yoga instructor and serves on the boards of several nonprofit foundations.

Coffee or tea? what did you put in it
Both! Drink coffee in the morning and whole milk and chamomile tea in the evening.

What is your favorite breakfast?
My favorite breakfast is eggs and a smoothie mixed with berries, veggies and coconut milk yogurt. I also like to add cinnamon, hemp seeds and flax seeds. After years of going out on an empty stomach, I’ve noticed a huge difference in how I feel when I start my day with a nutrient-dense meal that includes as many nutrient-dense, well-sourced foods as possible.

Tell us about your exercise routine.
I practice yoga at home in the morning and it is the most cherished ritual of my day. My mom taught yoga when she was pregnant with me in the 70s, so I literally practiced it my whole life. It wasn’t until my yoga teacher training that I started building sequences and practicing them myself. I grew up practicing ballet, so I love a good barre lesson.

How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
I get eight hours of sleep a night, or I’ll feel bad pretty quickly. For years, when I was working on the trading desk, I would get to the gym at 5:29 am at 5:29 am, and that’s when they turned on the lights. Even so, I have to make sure to go to bed on time to give my body the rest it needs. Thankfully (and on purpose), my mornings are more spacious now. I fall asleep easily and wake up naturally around 7 or 7:30 am. Losing your alarm clock is a game changer.

How do you de-stress?
Nature, time with family, live music, cooking – anything that takes me out of my head and into the moment. Nature was an instant reset for me. I love to travel and spend time in the mountains or at the beach, but even just walking along New York’s Hudson River does the trick! I also get proactive with my calendar, scheduling downtime and evenings to relax, cook, and think through my thoughts. When my days are crowded, I need space and quiet time.

Based on your phone, what was your average screen time per day last week?
4 hours and 44 minutes

Which application do you use most?
According to my phone, mail and messages are bound. I also like the calendar app.

When was the last time you asked for a day off? what have you done?
I took a few days off at the end of March to visit my parents. Lots of outdoor walks, great food, and good times.

What is one thing your company is doing to prioritize employee health?
One thing we often acknowledge at work is that health is not one-size-fits-all. This is true for our team as well as our members and guests – what is valued by one team member may not be meaningful to another. With this in mind, when thinking about supporting the well-being of our teams, we first work very hard to get the best health insurance plan possible as a small company, giving our team members a range of options to choose from. .

Then we inject little things into our day-to-day culture, like not scheduling team meetings before 10am. We know some team members are caregivers and need to be dropped off in the morning, or have to walk their dogs before entering the office. For others, we want to create spaces where they can relax for the day before going to a meeting. In the wellness business, we’re also able to offer wellness services to our teams — extended free classes and access to services at cost.

what is your favourite food?
Ice cream, sure, but not just the actual food—the whole ritual. I love going to the local ice cream parlor with family or friends on a hot summer night.

Show us a picture of your happy place.

“I love spending time in the mountains of Colorado. I have so many happy childhood memories there, skiing, hiking, or just being outside listening to live music. This is a trail near the Flatirons in Boulder with nice weather.”

Courtesy of Rebecca Parikh


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