Ethereum’s proto-danksharding to make rollups 10x cheaper

As it turns out, zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-proofs) solutions are essential to help scale the ethereum ecosystem, but Nicolas Liochon, head of the zkEVM Linea at Consensys, said raw darksharding is expected to significantly reduce rollup costs.

In an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph Magazine editor Andrew Fenton during Korea Blockchain Week, Liochon estimates that raw darksharding could further reduce aggregation costs by a factor of 10.

Original Danish ShardAlso known for its Improvement Proposal Identifier EIP-4844, which aims to reduce the cost of rollups, rollups typically batch off-chain transactions and data and submit proofs of computation to the Ethereum blockchain.

Expected launch data for the prototype Dank shard has not yet been determined by the Ethereum Foundation, but development and testing are still ongoing Ongoing.

As Liochon explained, Linea offers transactions that are 15x cheaper than those on Ethereum’s layer 1, but aggregation is still limited because transactions are published in the calldata of an Ethereum block.

According to Ethereum’s documentAggregation is still expensive for its potential, as call data is processed by all Ethereum nodes, and data is stored on-chain indefinitely, although the data only needs to be available for a short period of time.

EIP-4844 will introduce chunks of data that can be sent and appended to chunks. The data stored in the blob cannot be accessed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine and will be deleted after a period of time – which is said to greatly reduce transaction costs.

“Actually, the cost of aggregation depends on data availability. We write all the data to the first layer, which is why we have the exact same security. But it’s expensive, 95% of the cost.”

Liochon said that Linea’s prover, which primarily handles off-chain computation, verification, bundling, and then creating cryptographic proofs of combined transactions, accounts for only one-fifth of the cost.

This highlights a major hurdle that makes ZK-rollups the preferred scaling solution for the Ethereum ecosystem over other solutions like Optimistic rollups.

Liochon also said that Linea aims to be a general-purpose ZK-rollup that will be used for various decentralized applications and solutions within the Ethereum ecosystem.

“We’re a general purpose rollup. We don’t want to have specific use cases or specific domains. It’s important to support all types of applications, including DeFi, gaming, and social.”

As previously reported by Cointelegraph, Consensys has completed the launch of Linea in August 2023, having attracted more than 150 partners and provided more than $26 million in ETH.

Magazine: How Ethereum’s ZK-rollups Interoperate