Netflix’s next big-budget action movie, Hearts of Stone, hits theaters today, and Gal Gadot embarks on another globe-trotting mission in search of a mysterious asset. The platform has taken hold among Hollywood A-listers in thrillers, and the popularity of the actress is on the rise, most recently in the $200 million art-theft comedy “Red Notice.” Hearts of Stone essentially builds on that legacy, giving the studio an original spy series that promises to rack up billions of viewing hours — a strong position as Hollywood is going The cast and writers’ strike has halted major film and television production.
Drawing from Dwayne Johnson’s script, Gadot’s double-duty role as actor and producer on Hearts of Stone means she has enormous control over the film’s direction and, if approved, a potential sequel right. “Doing both at the same time is really rewarding because you’re not only invested in the whole project, but also in your character in the movie. It’s really rewarding,” she said in a prepared statement Said in. The film also features Bollywood star Alia Bhatt (RRR, Gangubai Katiawadi), which is her Hollywood debut, is expected to bring more attention to the film, especially from India. There’s also Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades of Grey) as a conflicted MI6 man who puts our protagonist in a bind.
On the surface, Rachel Stone (Gadot) is an inexperienced technician on the elite MI6 team led by Parker (Donen), who struggles to earn his respect by being unprepared. However, unbeknownst to the team, she actually works for Charter, a secretive peacekeeping organization that has no political affiliation and is kept secret from other spies. To achieve their goal, the team relied on a mysterious asset code-named “The Heart,” described as a powerful artificial intelligence that can track digital footprints to create data that helps predict potential global threats and deliver success Chance of blocking threats. Its mechanics are somewhat similar to Tom Cruise’s Minority Report, in which would-be criminals are locked down before they do anything heinous.
“Capturing the Heart” is the mission of notorious hacker Koya Dhawan (Bart), who immediately takes control of Charter headquarters and threatens global stability. “If you own the heart, you own the world,” MI6 leader Parker, who himself has an idealistic view of what the world should look like, describes it in the trailer. With the cover leaked, Stone embarks on a globe-trotting mission to bring the Sacred Heart back, taking dangerous actions such as parachuting from snow cliffs and onto flying planes in an attempt to save the world for the dead. Stop Kaia before it’s too late.
Tom Harper, best known for directing some episodes of Peaky Blinders, directed Netflix’s Hearts of Stone, which also starred familiar face Matthias Schweichever. Schweighöfer, who worked with Zack Snyder on Army of the Dead. Here, he plays “Jack of Hearts,” Charter’s technologist who works closely with Hearts to provide credible intelligence to spies in the field. Oscar nominee Sophie Ocado (Hotel Rwanda) stars as Charter’s No. 1 nomad, whose demeanor can change in the blink of an eye — putting the mission first.
Hearts of Stone hits Netflix today.