The synergy of artificial intelligence and blockchain can revolutionize the music industry by enhancing the creative capabilities of artists while maintaining transparency and fair revenue distribution among creators.
Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used as a tool for composing new songs or parodying existing musical content. That’s why it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between human-generated music and AI-generated content.
Furthermore, AI content is often trained on pre-existing content without the knowledge or consent of the original creators, creating numerous ethical and legal issues for which there are currently no clear solutions given the rapid pace of technology development.
MIDia Research analyst Hanna Kahlert told Cointelegraph: “Because of how generative AI works, you can’t really tell what’s going on and how it’s producing results.”
“The problem with that is misinformation and deepfakes and just a lack of trust in what you see on the internet,” she noted.
Callett said blockchain technology could solve these problems by tracking the provenance of specific musical content, ensuring copyrights are respected and artists are paid fairly.
Additionally, blockchain technology could make the relationship between artists and fans more direct, bypassing middlemen like record labels and centralized streaming services like Spotify.
To learn more about the possible synergies AI and blockchain technology can create in the music industry, don’t miss the latest Cointelegraph report On our YouTube channel, don’t forget to subscribe.
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