How successful CEOs make the most of their commute 

As summer draws to a close, it’s not just students who are preparing for a new school year. In the U.S. alone, where some 1 million workers are expected to return to their cubicles this fall, Meta leads September’s back-to-work campaign.

For many, it means commuting regularly for the first time since the pandemic forced businesses to close and forced (or allowed) workers to get work done from the comfort of their homes.

After about three years of jumping from bed to laptop, spending an hour on the train doing the same job feels like a complete waste of time and money. but it is not the truth.

It can provide the perfect time to clear your head, catch up on a read, or get in some exercise — at least, according to CEOs. wealth say to… Here’s how 8 leaders make the most of their commute.

Unscheduled identification calls

World Health Organization? David Meads, chief executive of technology group Cisco UK and Ireland
Transportation? train or car

“During the lockdown, my office became a ‘shed’ at the end of the garden. But now that my work commute is back, I realize how much I miss it. Especially the time to mentally prepare for the day ahead and space, then take care of the day’s events and close when you get home.

“My train journey involves preparing for meetings for the day or reading or listening to podcasts, usually on business topics, politics or world news. Otherwise, I use the time in the car to make unscheduled calls, which often involve situation or recognition for their good work. While these calls may not take long, they always make a big difference and are sure to be the best way to start or end the day.”

read a book

World Health Organization? Helen Andrews, CEO of adam&eveDDB, one of the largest advertising agencies in the UK
Transportation? subway

“I’m really happy to be back in the office because of the commute, because I’ve been living close to work before. So this is the first time I’ve been a real commuter. I like it a lot because I’ve read a lot about it in the meantime Very strict, and I’m doing a ton of great fast reading. Reading 30 minutes first thing in the day is the best way to start my morning. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of Booker nominated novels like Percival E. frieter’s novel Tree with Claire Keegan’s little things like thisand works by Zadie Smith and others northwest with Monica Ali’s love marriageI am now loving chemistry course Author: Bonnie Garmes. On the way home, I’ll do the work that needs to be done – but the morning commute is mine. “

put pen to paper

World Health Organization? Alex Weinstein, Founder, Dyninno Group Consulting
Transportation? driver into the office

“If I happen to be going to one of the offices and someone drives me there, I’ll use that time to write. It’s as simple as that—no bullet points, no to-do list. Let your imagination run wild I just take an empty notebook and a pen and write. I believe writing is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. I keep notes that sometimes develop into interesting stories and self-reflection. Sometimes I jot down Interesting thing I learned or situation I encountered.

“I just believe that gaining your own insight is not difficult, all you have to do is commit to reflecting on it every day. If you don’t know where to start, just ask yourself, how do I feel now? In my work, leadership and life What deserves my attention? What is the most interesting thing I learned in the past day?”

a mindful moment

World Health Organization? Simon Myciunka, CEO, Bauer Media Audio UK, Europe’s leading commercial broadcaster
Transportation? on foot

“The daily rhythm of listening to news updates while walking to work sets the tone for the day. These moments allow for self-reflection and preparation and really develop a sense of balance and focus. Podcasts. All of these give me something different and allow me to consume audio around personal interests, self-development, social currency, entertainment, while maintaining a sense of community. All of these are critical to helping me succeed at work .

“Before and after my commute, I also walk my dog ​​Oli and then do a 10-minute guided meditation with my yogi wife. How important.”

Brain Yoga

World Health Organization? Tara Button, CEO of retailer Buy Me Once
Transportation? Train + Subway (or Lime bike, weather permitting)

“I do my favorite brain yoga on my 30-minute commute. It’s a daily mental practice without which, in my husband’s words, I’d be “grumpy.” My brain Yoga in the form of coming up with silly book ideas for kids. The freedom of creative fantasy thinking has allowed me to be incredibly sensible and pragmatic one day when my brain is constantly being bullied. Also, by making myself fun in the early morning and creative, my creative thinking is stimulated and carried over to my business, keeping me upbeat and positive throughout the day. On the way home, I clear my inbox of excess emails and Plan your tasks for the next day.”

Apple Car Play text

World Health Organization? Natalie Cummins, Chief Executive, UK media agency Zenith
Transportation? car

“These 35 to 50 minutes in the morning (shorter in good weather, longer in bad weather) are really important for getting things done ahead of time, and I’m a big Apple Car Play user, listening to and responding to texts during this time ( by voice). Colleagues are now used to the slightly odd tone of the ACP text, so I tend to use it for internal communications rather than clients, but it’s very useful. If I have an important meeting that day, I’ll also use The car rehearses. I usually do about 3 chart walks in a 50 minute trip. At the end of the day the car has a completely different vibe: I use the car trip to play music and decompress!”

listen and learn

World Health Organization? Jon Ostler, CEO of comparison site
Transportation? train or plane

“I’m dyslexic, so I’ve always been a big fan of audio recordings, it’s great for commuting, so when I’m not listening to the latest business book or non-fiction book on audio, I’m listening to video conference recordings or uploads to Speechify Docs. One of the nice things about audio is the ability to change the speed, which can be a real time saver when catching up on any meeting of interest. On the way back, I might send some messages and then listen to some music – music can change nicely mood, so it’s the perfect way to decompress and reset before heading home.

“Once a month, I have a longer commute as I fly to New York and spend a week in our US office, so there is plenty of time for books, presentations, and even some of the lectures I give through The Great Courses” .

…or you could ditch your traditional commute for exercise

World Health Organization? Stéphane Lefebvre, President and CEO of Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group, the world’s largest circus producer
Transportation: walk or fly

“In the summer, I especially like to run about 6 miles to work so I can get some fresh air and work out before sitting down at my desk. When I run, I often listen to exercise-related podcasts, or more specifically , podcasts related to fitness and exercise science, but I also enjoy listening to interesting podcasts like The Ron Burgundy Podcast. Sometimes when I have to travel long distances, like jumping on a plane, I answer emails and reflect on what we’re doing projects. Having time to think and contemplate while traveling is a luxury, so I try to make the most of the extra time.”


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