Update November 30, 1:10 PM UTC: This article has been updated to add details about the hacker’s requirements.
The hackers behind the $46 million KyberSwap breach have finally revealed the conditions for returning the stolen funds, which include “full execution control” of the Kyber company.
November 30, KyberSwap hack transmit On-chain messaging for all relevant and interested parties. The hackers made demands that included temporary full and ownership of the company, its governance mechanism, KyberDAO, all company-related documents, and all assets of Kyber Corporation.

In exchange, the hackers promised to acquire the company’s executives’ shares at a fair valuation and “bless” their “future endeavors.” The hackers also promised to double employees’ salaries under the new system. They wrote that while some may not want to stay, they will still receive 12 months of severance, as well as full benefits and help finding a new career.
In addition to this, the hacker said that token holders and investors will also benefit from this change, as their tokens are “no longer worthless.” They write:
“Isn’t this sweet enough? I will go one step further. Under my management, Kyber will undergo a complete transformation. It will no longer be the seventh most popular DEX, but a brand new crypto project.”
As for liquidity providers, the hackers promised they would receive kickbacks for their recent market-making activity. The rebate will be 50% of the losses they incurred. “I know this is probably less than you wanted. However, it’s also more than you deserve,” the hacker wrote.
related: KyberSwap attacker exploits “infinite funds glitch” to drain funds – DeFi expert
The hackers explained that this was their best and only offer. According to the developers, the Kyber team should meet the requirements by December 10th. If not, “the treaty becomes invalid.” The hackers also threatened to void the treaty if any agents contacted them regarding transactions they conducted on Kyber.
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