In 2020, consumers won’t find toilet paper on store shelves. This year, they had problems with a completely different product.
Laxatives are in short supply due to steadily increasing demand for PEG 3350, the generic name for laxatives such as Miralax, according to wall street journal. That’s because not only are America’s aging population using these products more frequently, but a growing number of 18- to 42-year-olds are also seeking them out.
Part of the reason is social media misinformation. #GutTok trending on TikTok with misinformation about bathroom health.
this MagazineSearches for laxatives on Amazon more than tripled in the last year, while makers of fiber supplements say their sales are up double digits, analysts Pattern said, citing analytics firm Pattern.
Eating disorders are also partly to blame, as some believe that laxatives are a low-cost way to lose weight, although this belief is inaccurate. (Overuse of laxatives can lead to dehydration, but not fat loss.)
Of course, eating habits also play a role. Many people’s diets have changed during the pandemic, with an increase in junk and processed foods, which can lead to irregular eating. Occasional laxative use is safe, but the growing prevalence of overuse has raised concerns among professionals.
Instead, these doctors recommend that those who want more regular bowel movements eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It’s not a quick fix, but it won’t cause potential problems either (and you’ll be consuming more vitamins at the same time).