Marc Andreessen predicts AI and human symbiosis, with tech serving as therapist, coach, and friend

2013 movie she, This sci-fi romance starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson isn’t too far off billionaire Mark Anderson’s vision of humanity’s near future. In the film, Phoenix’s character strikes up a friendship with an advanced artificial intelligence companion voiced by Johnson, which eventually leads to a bizarre love affair.

In Anderson’s vision of the future, artificial intelligence will become people’s ubiquitous companion, helping them in every aspect of their lives, from making shopping lists to making life-changing decisions. Everyone, starting with the kids who grew up with the technology, will have access to artificial intelligence programs that can be worn as necklaces or have words sent directly to their heads via bone conduction. AI will get to know these people intimately and become their therapist, coach and friend, he said.

“It’s never judging you. There’s never resentment. You’re never upset that you didn’t listen. It’s never going on vacation,” Anderson said in a statement. episode Monday Huberman Lab Podcast. “It will be with you.”

Anderson’s prediction carries weight.As co-founder and general partner of Andreessen Horowitz, one of the most influential venture capital firms in Silicon Valley, he has led several multi-million dollar financings for artificial intelligence startups, including Alphabet’s self-driving car company Waymo and creator of ChatGPT open artificial intelligence.Anderson first became rich by co-founding the web browser company Netscape America Online was acquired Invested $4.2 billion in 1998 and was an early investor in Facebook.His net worth is estimated at $1.8 billion Forbes.

Artificial intelligence isn’t advanced enough for the intimate implementation that Anderson envisions. Current iterations of large language models (LLMs) require human cues—ask ChatGPT a question, and it will give an answer. But that call-response structure will evolve, he said.

“Perhaps as time goes on, you will want more and more it Decide when to talk to you,” Andresen said on the podcast. “When it thinks it has something to say, it says it, otherwise it stays silent. “

AI models like these can help people make decisions. Through continued use, the AI ​​will become familiar with the user’s habits and logic, and can use this knowledge to prompt the user to pause and reevaluate before making a choice.

AI can also play a variety of roles in a person’s life — friend, therapist, partner, mentor, coach, teacher or assistant, Anderson said. Users can leverage these different roles depending on their needs at a given moment.

“When you have a tough decision to make in your life, maybe what you want to hear is an argument between different characters,” Anderson says. “You’ll grow up and you’ll have this thing in your life that you’ll always be able to talk to and always be able to learn from.”

A “symbiotic relationship”

The continued existence of artificial intelligence requires humans to constantly interact with the technology in a functional, non-destructive way, like a necklace. Anderson described a startup that is developing a pendant that projects an image onto the wearer’s hand or onto a surface in front of them.

Another possibility is bone conduction, in which vibrations travel along the bones of someone’s head to the inner ear, effectively enabling the person to hear sounds “in their head” while still hearing their surroundings.Bone conduction headphones retail anywhere 20 dollars arrive $200 or more.

For those worried about losing autonomy to advanced, pervasive AI, like the one he describes, Anderson has words of consolation: AI is just another machine.

“When we want the machines to turn on, they turn on. When we want them to turn off, they turn off,” he said. “It’s definitely something that individuals should always be responsible for.”

“It’s going to be a symbiotic relationship,” Anderson added. “I think it’s going to be a better way to live.”


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