Realme Buds Air 5 and Realme Buds Air 5 Pro true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones have been launched in India on Wednesday (August 23). The latest addition to the company’s TWS audio series debuted alongside the Realme 11 5G and Realme 11X 5G smartphones. The earphones feature an in-ear design and offer Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) that reduces external noise by up to 50dB. The regular Realme Buds Air 5 has 12.4mm drivers, while the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro has 11mm drivers.
Realme Buds Air 5, Realme Buds Air 5 Pro Price, Availability
The new Realme Buds Air 5 is priced at Rs. India has 3,699. They’re available in Arctic White and Deep Ocean and will be available starting August 26th.
In comparison, the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro is priced at Rs. 4,999. The colors are Star Black and Sunshine Blue, and it is expected to go on sale on August 29.Both headsets will be released simultaneously pass Flipkart, and leading retail stores.
Realme Buds Air 5, Buds Air 5 Pro Specifications, Features
The Realme Buds Air 5 and Buds Air 5 Pro come with an oval-shaped charging case and offer ANC, which is said to reduce external noise by up to 50dB with 4000Hz ultra-wideband noise cancellation. The Buds Air 5 Pro feature 11mm coaxial dual drivers, including a 6mm tweeter. The regular Realme Buds Air 5, on the other hand, come with 12.4mm drivers.
According to Realme, the Realme Buds Air 5 earphones have a latency rate of up to 45ms, while the Pro model is said to offer a latency rate of up to 40ms. The regular model comes with Dolby Atmos audio technology, while the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro offer Hi-Res audio. They also support the LDAC Bluetooth codec and 360-degree spatial audio effects.
Realme’s new earphones feature Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity and support for Google Quick Pair. They feature touch controls for quick playback and noise cancellation controls, and can be customized using the Realme Link app. Additionally, the new Realme Buds Air 5 has an IPX5 dust and water resistance rating.
Moreover, the battery life of the Realme Buds Air 5 can total up to 38 hours (including the charging case). And the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro, the premium option in the new series, is said to offer up to 40 hours of playback time on a single charge, bundled with a charging case. Both models are said to be able to play music for up to seven hours on a ten-minute charge.