Should you go back to sleep if you wake before your alarm?

Will you take advantage of the early hours of the day or try to get more sleep?

Experts say the best answer depends on several factors wealth, but usually tend to go back to bed. This is because sleep is restorative and affects multiple body systems.

Sleep or stay up late?

The first question to ask yourself is: Are you getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep? That’s according to sleep researcher Joachim Behar, director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel.

Most experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep for adults. If you haven’t saved enough time in your sleep bank for the night, Behar recommends going back to sleep—with one exception. If your alarm is set to wake you in 90 minutes or less, stay up late, he advises. A complete sleep cycle takes approximately 90 minutes, and interrupting a sleep cycle may lead to sleep inertia.

That’s what “many people feel when they wake up, feeling groggy and having difficulty concentrating,” said Dr. Raj Dasgupta, associate director of the Sleep Medicine Fellowship Program at the University of Southern California. wealth.

According to Dasgupta, waking up early is not always a bad thing. If you find yourself staring at the ceiling 30 minutes or less before your alarm goes off, “that’s a good sign that your sleep schedule is consistent with your circadian rhythm,” he says.

“Relaxation is almost as good as sleep”

Another solution to this dilemma: ignore time entirely and rely solely on your alarm clock. If you use your phone to check the time at night, Dasgupta recommends covering your clock or keeping your phone out of your reach.

“If the alarm hasn’t gone off, it’s still nighttime, and that’s all you really need to know,” Dasgupta said.

Even if you can’t quite fall back asleep and are drifting in and out of consciousness, you’re probably spending more time with your eyes closed than you think. What’s more, “relaxation is almost as good as sleep,” he advises.

“If you can’t sleep, lying still is the next best thing,” he said. “It might give you some of the benefits of meditation”—and it’s certainly better than lying in bed stressing about it.

Why is getting enough sleep important?

How you feel when you’re awake depends in part on what happened while you were sleeping, According to the Centers for Disease Control. While you sleep, your body performs work that supports healthy brain function and physical well-being. For children and teens, getting enough sleep supports healthy growth and development.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says adequate sleep supports the following body functions:

  • Heart and circulatory system: People who don’t get enough sleep or wake up frequently may be at higher risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and/or stroke.
  • metabolism: Lack of sleep can lead to insulin resistance, increased eating (especially unhealthy foods), and decreased physical activity, all of which can lead to obesity, which itself poses health risks.
  • Immune system: A specific type of immune cell works harder when you sleep. That’s why those who don’t get enough sleep may be more likely to get sick.
  • know: Sleep helps with learning and long-term memory formation. Those who don’t get enough high-quality sleep may have difficulty concentrating and thinking clearly.

Numerous medical studies support the need for adequate sleep and quality sleep. Related cases:

  • People who sleep less than five hours a night are more than three times more likely to have a stroke than those who get the recommended seven hours, according to a study published in the journal in April. Neurology.
  • People who have trouble falling and staying asleep may also be at greater risk of stroke, according to research published in the journal in June Neurology.
  • Early-stage Alzheimer’s may be worsened by sleep apnea, according to a study published in the journal in May Neurology.

Tips for a good night’s sleep

Dasgupta suggests that if you’re consistently failing to achieve your 7-9 hours of sleep per night goal, consider going to bed earlier. He also recommends improving “sleep hygiene,” a phrase that refers to habits and conditions that can help you get a good night’s sleep.

Some advice from Dasgupta and Behar:

  • Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
  • If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, try some deep breathing exercises or meditation.
  • If this doesn’t work after about 20 minutes, move to another room and do something distracting in dim light until you feel sleepy again.
  • Develop a calming bedtime ritual that includes limiting the following activities in the hours before bed:
    • Screens such as TVs, computers, smartphones and tablets
    • Large meals, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine
    • Vigorous exercise (exercise can promote restorative sleep, but too much and too close to the bed may have the opposite effect)

“Simple things like comfort are also important,” Behar said. “Good sleep hygiene is promoted by a sleeping space with minimal noise, darkness, and a comfortable temperature, as well as comfortable sleep accessories such as a high-quality mattress and pillows.”

Dasgupta said everyone suffers from insomnia from time to time. But he said people who frequently wake up hours before their alarm is set should consult a doctor or sleep specialist because they may be suffering from a sleep disorder such as insomnia or sleep apnea.


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