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FT journalist and UBS economist Wang Tao will take your questions and discuss the implications of China’s economic slowdown for Beijing and the world on Wednesday 13 September from 1230-1330 BST (1130-1230 GMT) Influence.
The group consists of mandarin duckThe Financial Times Europe-China reporter reported:
Sun YuFT China Economic Reporter
Eleanor AlcottChinese science and technology reporter
James Kinch, Global China Editor
Wang TaoChief China Economist and Head of Asia Economics, UBS
If you’re joining from the FT.com homepage and want to ask a question to the group, you’ll need to Sign up for an event and join via the link you will receive via email. You will also need to register to view replays for the next 90 days.
Otherwise, just click on the video link above to sit back and enjoy the session when it starts at 1230 BST (1130 GMT).