Remote employees are now less connected to company goals than they were before the pandemic. But they still don’t want to come into the office.
each new Gallup Survey Of the nearly 9,000 U.S. employees who work remotely, only 28% of remote workers feel connected to their company mission, down 4% from last year. However, nearly a third (33%) of workers who go to the office daily say they feel connected to others; not much difference.
A lack of shared mission and goals between on-site and remote workers can hurt overall performance, wrote Jim Harter, Gallup’s chief workplace scientist and author of the report. “Many employee-employer relationships are becoming increasingly ‘gig’ and less loyal, which can have implications for customer and employee retention, productivity, and quality of work.” In other words, if you don’t identify with or support the company mission, there is little motivation to go beyond.
Employees who were fully present said they gained the most from engagement, especially knowing what was expected of them, having the materials and equipment they needed to do their jobs, and having the opportunity to do what they do best every day.
Hart writes that the best chance of passing on success to remote employees will be “superior managers.” the manager of communication.in a Previous research Beginning in May, Gallup determined that managers should have at least one meaningful conversation (15 to 30 minutes in length) with each employee per week. This conversation should involve recognition, collaboration, goals, priorities, and the current strengths of the employee.
But as ever, Secret Weapon appears to be a mixed plan. Employees who come to work a few days a week report the strongest connection to company goals; 35% of them tell Gallup that they think their work is important.
Even if they don’t feel connected, remote workers aren’t too concerned. Gallup found that 30% of U.S. workers who work remotely are working entirely from home, a figure that remains in line with the same period last year. (Whether this year’s Labor Day return-to-office mandate will have any impact on office attendance—surely not in the past three years.)
While still low overall, engagement is picking up overall; 34% of U.S. workers say they are engaged at work, up from 32% last year. Additionally, Gallup found that the percentage of actively disengaged employees dropped from 18 percent last year to 16 percent this year.
While Gallup found that remote workers were less adjusted than their in-office counterparts, other data suggested the picture was not so clear cut. A December 2022 study Andrew Brodsky, a professor at the University of Texas, and Mike Tolliver, a product manager at software company Vyopta, found that remote workers actually more More engaged, more frequent, and longer meetings than current employees. Their data, they write, suggests that “the increase in meetings is at least partially due to increased engagement and not entirely due to the increasing need to pretend to be working.”
Then again, meetings aren’t everything, let alone foolproof indicators of engagement or empowerment. According to a Gallup report earlier this year, stress correlates with engagement, and stress levels in the U.S. workforce are at an all-time high.Gallup’s Global State of the Workplace ReportA report released in June found that 44% of workers felt “a lot” of stress. In 2019, only 38% said that. Gallup found that disengaged employees are 26% more stressed than engaged employees.
Across the globe, fully remote and hybrid workers are more likely to experience high levels of stress than fully in-person workers —although Report higher engagement rates.as wealth Chloe Berger said: “When you’re very unhappy, it’s hard to feel committed and invested in your work.”